Egglescliffe School
I have worked with Pam for over 14 years in my role as Head Teacher and have always employed her expert services to ensure our safeguarding policies, procedures and training is outstanding. Pam is without doubt a national expert who delivers outstanding training for all employees, volunteers and Governors. I have found Pam offers the most cost effective way of providing safeguarding training to this high standard.
As Head Teacher and CEO of a multi-phase MAT, we have adopted all Safeguarding First policies and updates to ensure a strong and consistent culture of vigilance across the Trust. I was delighted when Pam agreed to complete a ½ day review of each school and offer a Trust wide safeguarding review. This process has unequivocally helped the Trust to strengthen consistency and offer the Board absolute assurances for all Safeguarding procedures.
Pam’s training ensures all are engaged and they find it exceptionally useful and easy to follow. As a direct result our internal reporting systems are robust and daily procedures thorough and consistently applied.
Pam and Safeguarding First are dedicated to providing expert and outstanding service and only a phone call away – offering peace of mind and attention to detail for all procedures – keeping everyone safe.
Mr Simon White
CEO – VISION Academy Learning Trust