New Mop-Up Training available as a recording - schools can purchase codes to access this recorded training session, ideal for new staff who can watch the training at a time convenient for them. E-mail us for more details..... New Prevent V2 for DSL's Training is now live on our 'Events page'.... this session is in response to the Prevent Duty Guidance now recommending that DSL's refresh their Prevent training every two years......
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Professional Supervision Skills Training Online 29 April 2025

This is a training session for new and experienced Designated Safeguarding Leads who are setting up formal processes for Professional Supervision.  Professional supervision is one of the most important factors in the development of effective and critical practice in the area of Child Protection. Come and join us for a full day training to support you in the setting up of safe practice in supervision in your own settings. The day will involve training on the purpose and impact of supervision, the role of supervisor and supervisee, boundaries of supervision, values and critical reflection.

As part of the training you will receive: Supervision Policy, Supervision Contract, Supervision Recording Document and a 12 month Supervision Scheme of Work to use in your setting.  This training would be classed as Level 3.

Working Together 2023 states ‘Lead practitioners should have access to high quality supervision. Effective supervision can play a critical role in ensuring a clear focus on a child’s welfare and support practitioners to reflect critically on the impact of their decisions on the child and their family. All lead practitioners should also continue to receive appropriate supervision and support for continuing professional development and to maintain professional registration, where appropriate, within their existing line management arrangements.’

This course is certified by the CPD Certification Service.

Please take a moment to read our cancellation policy before booking places:  PGSF Cancellation Fees 2024-2025

09:15 - 15:00
On-Line Via Zoom,
£145 + VAT (£95 + VAT for subsequent places from the same school)
30 Places