New Mop-Up Training available as a recording - schools can purchase codes to access this recorded training session, ideal for new staff who can watch the training at a time convenient for them. E-mail us for more details..... New Prevent V2 for DSL's Training is now live on our 'Events page'.... this session is in response to the Prevent Duty Guidance now recommending that DSL's refresh their Prevent training every two years......
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Consultancy Visits

A bespoke opportunity for schools and settings to scope out areas where support is required e.g., file audits, meeting with senior management team or Governing Bodies or one-to-one time with your Designated Safeguarding Lead.  We can also offer a quality assurance of your Single Central Record under consultancy.

Consultancy costs are dependant on your requirements and are dealt with on a case-by-case basis so please contact us with your requirement and we will get back to you with our costings.