Prevent 2 for DSLs Training Online 6 November 2024
This course is designed for DSL’s who are due their 2 yearly update in PREVENT.
The prevent duty guidance (2023) states that the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) or Prevent lead in the setting should receive more in-depth training, including on extremist and terrorist ideologies, how to make referrals and how to work with Channel panels. It is recommended that this training is updated at least every two years, enabling the lead to support other staff on Prevent matters and update them on relevant issues.
This courses considers the ideology around terrorism in more depth, how to complete a competent assessment/referral and an in depth case study exploring the elements of working collaboratively with other agencies to keep children safe from radicalisation and extremism.
It is preferable to have completed version 1 before accessing version 2.
This training would be classed as Level 3.
Please take a moment to read our cancellation policy before booking places: PGSF Cancellation Fees 2024-2025