Governor Safeguarding Training
A session specifically for Governors that will take them through their role and responsibilities under Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Flyer available here: Governor Training 13.09.2018
Please take a moment to read our cancellation policy before booking places: Governor Training 13.09.2018PGSF Cancellation Fees 2018-2019
Governor Safeguarding Training
A session specifically for Governors that will take them through their role and responsibilities under Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016.
Flyer available here: Governor Training 17.04.2018
Please take a moment to read our cancellation policy before booking places: Safeguarding First Cancellation Fees 2017-2018
Governor Safeguarding Training
A session specifically for Governors that will take them through their role and responsibilities under Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016.
Flyer available here: Governor Training 12.12.2017
Please take a moment to read our cancellation policy before booking places: Safeguarding First Cancellation Fees 2017-2018